Universal Assembly of Yahweh Miami "But let judgement run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." Amos 5:24
Universal Assembly of Yahweh Miami"But let judgement run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream."  Amos 5:24

Obedience and Our Spiritual Growth

Most live out their allotted time on earth focused entirely on the natural. With no greater purpose or desire than to indulge in the here and now. The singular goal of the vast majority of humanity is increasingly more wealth and gusto. They love its riches, its prestige, its enjoyments — striving daily for what the culture offers and what it stands for and glorifies. But when their days are done, all that they worked and sweated for ultimately becomes the property of someone else.  Even the memory of them soon fades away, Ecclesiastes 9:5. Life is a terrible thing to waste.


Yahweh is giving His called-out ones the opportunitof the age– to join Him and His Son in His coming, everlasting kingdom.


Our choice is either to put all our efforts and aspirations into only a few decades worth of this earthly life, or prepare one day to leave the superficiality and temporal nature of this existence and join our Heavenly Father and His Son in an awesome and endless kingdom rulership, enjoying rewards far exceeding our finite comprehension. “But as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Elohim has prepared for them that love him,” 1Corinthians 2:9.


Natural Man Is Self-satisfied

Temporal gains are all that most people want from their priceless gift of life. They live their threescore and ten years fothemselves. The average person has an innate rebelliousness at the mere mention of obeying the One who made him.  The common belief built on centuries of misteaching is that heavenly rewards will be granted anyway, regardless how one lives. From Genesis through Revelation the Bible says the exact opposite.  People will be judged by and rewarded based on how they live. John wrote in Revelation 20:12: “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before the throne; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”


They reveal that they are in essence a deitunto themselves.  As one celebrity quipped about her infant, “My baby is my religion.” This is what Romans 8:describes as the carnal mind“Because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim for it is not subject to the law of Elohimneither indeed can be” (Rom. 8:7). Paul also wrote, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of Elohim; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of Elohim. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned,” 1Corinthians 2:12 and 14.


The unconverted individual can no more un­derstand Yahweh than a squirrel in the forestLike the squirrelhis whole shallow ex­istence consists in what he can seefeeltasteandenjoy.


In Galatians 6:7-8 Yahweh gives us a choice. He says it is up to each one of us which existence will be ours. “Be not deceived; Yahweh is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” The beauty of Yahweh’s grace is that we can have whichever we wish: a short-lived physical life of disobedience, with its temporary everything filled with emptiness, or a far superior, infinitely greater and exciting and rewarding spiritual existence serving the Father Yahweh now and for eternity.


No Thanks to the Gnostics


Immortalitcomes only from Yahweh, He alone has it. Timothy 6:16 says of Him, “Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man has seen, nor can see.” Immortality is not something we innately haveThprevailing teach­ing is that every person has aresident immortal soul that waits to be re­leased at death to flawato its heav­enly reward.


Nwonder most people aren't really concerned with how they live their lives. No wondethedon't care if they don’t have His Name right, don’thonor­ the Sabbathand generalldisobey Him. No wonder He is not resident deep within their heartsThey think they have no need for Him! They think they will live forever automatically!


The immortality notion is rooted in teachings of the pagan Gnostics, who also believed that humans have innate immortality. Gnosticism taught that the physical universe was a terrible mistake of Yahwehand that man originally lived in the spirit realmWe now wait for death so that we can be released back to where we should have been all along – living as immortals in a spirit world.


Their twisted immortality beliefs form the basis of the modern view about the hereafter: everyone goes immediately to heaven upon death. This false idea is endlessly repeated in traditional sermons and funeral eulogies. It is the original satanic lie. It is the very heresy that Satan himself first foisted on humanity!


The Adversary said, “You shall not surely die, Eve. For Yahweh knows that when you eat this forbidden fruit, you will be a Mighty One yourself. So do it for YOU!” (Have you ever wondered why Eve didn’t stop to ask, “Why would Yahweh place within easy reach a temptation that if accepted would make Adam and me as powerful, omniscient, and immortal as He?”)


The immortal soul teaching has been the most potent and influential lie ever put into words. It has done untold damage against the truth, and millions have been deceived by it.


What makes this belief so sinister is that, still believing Satan, the vast majority of this world do not really think they need Yahweh — they are told they are already immortal and will have everlasting life no matter how they choose to live. This belief helps explain today’s law-less attitudes and behavior.


Spiritually Ignorant


Our culture has lost sight of who created and now energizes the universeOf coursethrough the teaching of evolution many believe that the universe created and drives itself! Evolution is an ingenious plot of Ha Satan to eliminate the Creator from man’s consciousness.


Many scientists by study­ing astronomyphysicschemistrymathematicselectricityand othedis­ciplines, believe they have answers to all that exists.In factall they really have are a few answers to questionabout the physi­cal universeThehave not even begun to understand the far greater spiritual realm. All man's wisdom is foolishnessPaul writes in Romans 1:22. We cannot even comprehend our own brainslet alone use those brains to figure out how we got here and where we are going from here.


Almighty Yahweh answers man’s folly in Isaiah 44:24-25: “Thus says Yahwehyour redeemerand he that formed you from the wombI am Yahweh that makes all thingsthat stretches forth the heavens alonethat spreads abroad the earth by myself; That frustrates the to­kens of the liarsand makes diviners madthat turns wise men backwardand makes their knowledge foolish.


Yahweh is the Mighty One of na­ture as well as the ruler over spiritual thingsHe is the last word. He is THE authority and the final recourse.


From His Creator man learns about moral­ity. There is nothing really moral or im­moral about the behavior of a dog or a monkey or a fish. They act only as their brains were prewired to act. They live in a purely physical universe and behave strictly according to how they were designed.


But Yahweh says that He created man in His own imageAnd when He created humankind He brought the spiritual world in touch with the physical. Along with the physical laws that govern this earth we have spiritual laws – moralethical laws and stan­dards of right and wrong. And then He also gives us a choice. We have the prerogative to choose to follow our Creator or to reject Him in our lives. The first leads to rewards that cannot be imagined, the second results in everlasting death.


Yahweh Defines Morality


Now we can answer the question about what makes rightright ... and wrongwrongWhat is it about the nature of sin that makes it “sinful” and evil?


The often-quoted Greek philoso­phers in all their vaunted human wisdom certainly didn't knowbeyond realizing that right and wrong carry their own consequences.


The answer they could not arrive at is Yahweh. Yahweh and He alone is the standard that creates right and wrong in both physical and spiritual universes. Moral right and wrong on this earth are determined by Yahweh’s own character. Without Yahwehright and wrong would have no meaning.Right and wrong emanate from the spiritual – where Yahweh dwells – not from the naturalphysical world. Be­cause man is physical first (not spiritual firstas the Gnostics taught)he must be taught right and wrong, good and evil. These are spiritual principles that don’t come naturally to humans.


There is no moral “right” and wrong” about the way nature oper­ates. If a tree falls and kills a squirrelthere is nothing morally right and wrong about itBut if I strike my neighborI have broken a spiritual law and am deserving of punishment. Why? Because Yahweh and only Yahweh has defined such an act as wrong and He brings this understanding to man through His laws.


It is Yahweh who brings morality to our lives. If I steal from my neighbor I have broken Yahweh’s spiritual-moral law.

Yahweh's Laws Express Himself


Claiming that Yahweh's laws as given in the Covenant are unnecessary is to denigrate Yahweh Himself. Yahweh's character is the measure of righteous­ness. And His laws are the expression of Yahweh's own moral attributes. Therefore, to reject His laws is to reject what makes Yahweh who He is. His laws are His standard for behavior. No wonder the Evil One would like to destroy Yahweh’s laws through erroneous doctrines like salvation through faith alone.


The pompous academic will say“How do you know what is right and wrong? How do you know what is truth? Truth is relativeYour truth may not be the same for everyone.”

Reject Yahweh and you WON'T not know what truth is. Live with an unchanged car­nal nature and you will be ignorant of properspiritual things and, even worse, harbor enmity for Yahweh. This is why lawless individuals have a natural hatred for the Bible and the religious individuals who follow it. Go to any secular college and you will find an abundance of those who harbor a nautral dislike for Bible-based religion.


“Because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim: for it is not subject to the law of Elohimneither indeed can be” (Rom8:7).


The prophet Isaiah confirms the ba­sic nature of unrepentant man: “But we are all as an unclean thingand all our righteousnesses are as filthy ragsand we all do fade as a leafand our iniquities, like the windhave taken us away” (Isa. 64:6).


Isaiah just described us in our natu­ral elementIf we want to stay naturalthat is how Yahweh will see us. The result of that kind of life is destruction,be­cause it will limit us only to the natural existence of a finitephysical world.


The only way we can have a chance at that spiritual world where life never ends is to become like Yahweh in mind and heart and behaviorIn other wordsto be­come spiritualThat is precisely what His laws accomplish in us because at their root His laws are spiritualPaul wrote: For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnalsold under sin” (Rom. 7:14).


Why He Did Not Lower the Bar


In 1Peter 116 we read“Because it is writtenBe holy; for I am holy” (quoted from Lev11:44). Holy” means set apartset apart from the physical,from the worldlyfrom sin and its corruption.


Whysince all men have sinned by violating Yahweh's lawsdid Yahweh not just change or do away with his laws to conform to the lives of men and save them all? Instead of trying to change manwhy not just lower the standards? After allno one is able to live up to them anywaymany believe.


Why can't the great Lawgiver just abolish sin by doing away with His laws? After allYahweh is supremeisn't He? The answer goes to the heart of who Yahweh Himself is.

Yahweh's moralspiritual laws are not the result of His own whim. He didn't sit down one day and say“Let's seeI'll make murder wrongand steal­ing a sinand lying wrong and cheating bad...” He didn’t do that and couldn’t do that and still retain His own identity.


Yahweh's laws are a reflection of Yahweh Himself--His very character and His nature. To change His laws would be to change Him. And that is impossible. Yahweh is unchangeableas He Him­self said. “For I [am] Yahweh, I change nottherefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed,” Malachi 3:6. Sin is con­trary not only to the work of Yahwehbut also to the very nature of YahwehHis holiness requires that sin result in death. Yahweh is life. Sin is death.


That is the way things areby virtue of the way Yahweh made us and our world. It won't change one thing to argue abouit. Saying the law has been done away doesn’t make it so. Resistance is futile. Yahweh himself says man’s rebellious ways and thinking are destined to be destroyed. And He commands us to obey Him.  “Let no man deceive you with vain words [words spoken against the truth]for because of these things comes the wrath of Elohim upothe children odisobedience [lawlessness]” (Eph. 5:6).


Yahweh cannot tolerate sin – which is the breaking of His lawsSin goes against everythinthat makes Him what He isThereforesin is enmity, ­hatred of Yahwehand is Hide­spised enemy.


This isn't aarbitrary development. The universe is built on this principle. When Yahweh put man on this earthHe also introduced His spiritual law as part of this creationHtold Adam and Evwhat was right and what was wrong.


Yahweh must eithecondemn sin or violate His own beingThe penalty of every sithat has been committed or wilevebe committed must be paid.We ei­thepay it with ouown blood or we relon Yahshua'sIf wwant to overcome sinthenwe must accept Yahshua's blood for our past sins andthen comin line with Hilaw – His very nature – from that point for­wardIt's just that clear and simple.


If Yahshudid away with the lawthen He did away with sin itself and we no longeneed a SaviorNotice“Whosoevecommits sin transgresses also the law: for sin ithe transgression othe law” (lJohn 3:4).


Notice What Happens...


Coming into line with Yahweh's laws creates harmony and happiness in oulives! Nwonder we read“Wherefore the law is holyand the commandment holyand justand good” (Rom7:12).


When we observYahweh'lawwe should feel great, knowing that Yahweh acceptus as one like Himself. When we rebe­lwe’re miserable andfearful. It’s axiomatic that when we move away from Yahweh we become subject to evil influences. Those who hate the Bible are in their hearts miserable.

What better proof that His laws arright and good and perfect and acceptable and



Join with us to keep Yahweh's statutes and commandments.


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Universal Assembly of Yahweh Miami

860 Arabia Ave Opalocka

 Florida 33054.


Phone: 954 249-3284


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Did You Know?

Amos 9:3

Carmel - A mountain range extending approximately 13 miles from the Mediterranean coast southeast to the Plain of Dothan. The mountain range averaged over 1,000 feet above sea level, with a peak of 1,742 feet. Carmel was within the territory given to Asher. this location is most well known for Eliyah's victory over the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:19-20).

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